After bariatric operations, patients are able to meet their personal needs at approximately the 6th hour. Patients are discharged on the 2nd or 3rd postoperative day.
Frequently Asked Questions
Gastric sleeve surgery is a surgery performed laparoscopically (closed). 4 or 5 incisions are needed to perform this surgery. Whether the fifth incision will be made or not is decided during the surgery according to the size of the liver. These incisions vary between 0.5 cm and 1.5 cm. The incision scars will heal gradually. Even though internal aesthetic stitches are applied, 100% scar loss should not be expected as the skin integrity will be compromised. It is normal for vague scars to remain.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescence as 10-19 years of age. It is stated in the current scientific literature that obesity surgery can be performed safely in adolescents. There is no upper age limit for surgery, the patient’s performance is decisive.
Approximately; Sleeve Gastrectomy (Stomach Tube) surgery: 30 min. / Gastritis Bypass Surgery: 1 – 1.5 hours / Non-surgical weight loss methods such as Gastric Balloon and Gastric Botox 10-15 minutes. continues. Surgery times may vary depending on each surgeon. Whether the surgery is performed in a short or long time is only a matter of surgical technique. Surgery time cannot be correlated with surgery quality.